opportunities and would love to share it with you!

Language classes for children... inspired by children and their educational needs - LEO Academy
Our background in founding a translation (MD online) and editing company (eCORRECTOR) had clearly shown the difference a native speaker makes to language-based tasks. This prompted us to look for a native speaking Spanish teacher to help.
Thanks to our broad contacts with linguists based in their home countries we quickly found an excellent qualified Spanish teacher for our daughter, we set up Zoom and….got happy child who achieved one of her best scores in Spanish! More than that, our daughter told us she enjoyed the lessons so much that she wanted to continue her lessons each week. She now has lessons where she learns proper pronunciation and other fun and interesting things, such as news about Spanish royal family every week!

This is how LEO Academy began!

Over the past few years of developing our linguistic online businesses we have built-up a large network of qualified native speakers living in their home countries. Our managers hold excellent pedagogical and linguistic qualifications and dealt for years with recruiting the top native speakers. Most of all, we have kids who show us the way with language learning, what motivates them and what sort of online lessons they prefer.
We are passionate about online work and education opportunities and would love to share it with you! Please come, join and comment. This is a new beginning for us – based on years of experience in the language industry and as parents of bilingual kids brought up in 2 education systems.
Learn with the best